All blog posts from Dr. Allott are provided for educational and informational purposes only. As Dr. Allott is also a licensed medical practitioner, we must make it clear that nothing on the blog is intended to constitute medical advice, consultation, recommendation, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are concerned about your health, please seek appropriate care in your area.

Iain McGilchrist on Existence, Being, the Limits of Reason and Language, and Schizophrenia

If you ever wanted to hear what a psychiatrist and a physicist discuss about the right and left hemispheres of the brain and how we experience reality because of how each side of our brains processes reality, then listen to this great discussion.

Youtube::Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal

I have followed Iain McGilchrist for years. He reminds me that I want to seek the middle path of being distinct and connected. I must be clear that my left hemisphere, which talks all the time, is a vital servant to be, but the nearly silent right hemisphere experiences the whole and accepts the context of existence that gives meaning.