Need new tools for more energy and mental clarity?

We’d like to share with you some of our most popular and frequently used handouts, worksheets, and videos.

This material is provided for educational and informational purposes only. As Dr. Allott is also a licensed medical practitioner, we must make it clear that none of the products are intended to constitute medical advice, consultation, recommendation, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are concerned about your health, please seek appropriate care in your area.

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Whether dealing with fatigue, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, or PTSD, stabilizing your physiology is the first step to feeling better. Then it becomes clearer what’s left to deal with, and you are more able to use the tools you have.

Stick figure juggling apple, avocado, chicken leg, fish, broccoli.
Stick figure thinking of sheep jumping over a fence to sleep
Stick figure drawing of a person in a yoga pose, wearing a pink outfit, against a white background.

Understanding physiology

We all share essential human physiology, and our choices determine whether it works with or against us.

Handouts & worksheets

Stick figure with a brain in a jar illustration

Videos explaining physiology

A fueled brain is a smarter brain

Basic exercise for the vagus nerve by Stanley Rosenberg

Using food as a tool for more energy & mental clarity

Stick figure juggling food items: apple, avocado, chicken leg, broccoli, fish.

Handouts & worksheets

Videos about using food as a tool

Affordable High Protein Meals for Reducing Anxiety and Fatigue

Manage panic attacks in 3 steps

Keep panic attacks in check with a Lizard Brain Treats

How to evaluate food labels

Experiments to improve sleep

Handouts & worksheets

Stick figure sleeping, dreaming of counting sheep.

Videos about managing sleep

Reducing Nightmares & Night Terrors

Improving Sleep

More Experiments to Improve Energy & Reduce Burnout

Handouts & worksheets

Simple stick figure lifting heavy weights with a smile, featuring blue and purple plates.

Frameworks we use in our work

Stick figure holding a purple flower and a purple bucket.